Changing the active editor does not update the selection within the project explorer

Symptom: In case of the selected button  Link with Editor in the project explorer, nothing is happening sometimes, if you change the active editor. As a matter of fact the selection in the project explorer should be linked to the active editor.
This problem has been noticed after starting Neuron Power Engineer, when the folders of a project have not been expanded yet. The problem also occurs after all folders of a project have been collapsed by using the button  Collapse All.

Solution to have the selection updated in the project explorer:

  • Recommended: Use a Neuron Power Engineer version ≥ 1.122.0. In version 1.122.0, the behavior has been modified so that the above-mentioned problem does not occur anymore.

  • If you are using a Neuron Power Engineer version < 1.122.0, use one of the following workarounds:

    • Expand all folders in the project explorer (e.g. by pressing * – by multiplier character – on numeric keypad).

    • Use the Navigator view to have the selection updated there. How to add this view to the current perspective: menu Window – Show View – Other... – in the dialog: expand category General, select Navigator and click OK